Saturday, July 20, 2013

360° CUBE Pitch

Next week is our submission and presentation. So we have to complete everything and prepare for next week presentation. After 11 weeks of discussion, we are finally done and show our final result in 360° CUBE Pitch.

Below are the photos of our 360° CUBE Pitch design.

Financial Milestone

Business Model

Social Problem

Marketing and Sales

Key Partners

Mission and Vision

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Competitive Analysis Grid For Element Bars

below is our Competitive Analysis Grid For Element Bars. We done it around 45minutes.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Move some of the points from the three posters to our business

Since last week our group already finish the three posters, so today practical class we show Mr Stephen Ong our three posters to let him check and correct our points. 

Below are the photos when our lecturer, Mr Stephen Ong checking the three posters.

After checking, Mr Stephen Ong command us to move some points from the three posters to our business model.

Below is the photo after we move some points from the three posters to our business model.