Friday, May 31, 2013

List out 100 solutions for all the healthcare problems.

           On our first tutorial class, we already list out 100 problems in our dairy life. The highest problem is healthcare. Since last week Friday is public holiday, so we have to list out 100 solutions for the healthcare problems on today tutorial class. Time limit is around 20 minutes. We separated the solutions into two part, one is product another is services. 

start writing the solutions.
think! and write!

             At the end, the product part we categorize into 5 categories. For the services part, we categorize into 8 categories. The highest amount of the solution for the product part is 13. Beside that, the highest amount of the solution for the services part is 13.

the solutions for healthcare problems(after categorize)

Friday, May 17, 2013

List out 100 problems in our daily life.

             Today is our first entrepreneurship tutorial class. In this lesson, we have to list out 100 problems in our daily life in 20 minutes for our group assignment. In this assignment we have to propose a social enterprise project and prepare a business plan report using the sample business plan Scarborough (2011) as a guideline with the following Sections :

  1. Executive summary
  2. Vision and Mission statement
  3. Company profile / history
  4. Business and Industry Profile
  5. Business Strategy
  6. Company Products and Services
  7. Marketing Strategy
  8. Competitor Analysis
  9. Description of Management team
  10. Plan of Operation
  11. Financial Projections
  12. Loan or Investment Proposal
  13. Appendices
Discuss together.

thinking the problems!
discuss together and write down the problem in sticky note.

              We categorize the 100 problems into five categories. First category is healthcare, second category is social network, third category is education, fourth category is environment, then the last category is entertainment. In this five categories, the most highest problems is in the group healthcare.

All the problems in our daily life(after categories).